Our Product

Suchero Coco Sweetener, the Philippines' first coco sweetener. 


  • Coconut Sugar is 100% natural from additives and artificial Flavoring

·        Low glucose index food is good for proper control of diabetes mellitus and it has show to lower LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol or known as the bad cholesterol


·        It is also good for weight maintenance, thus preventing obesity or being overweight


  • Made for coconut sap or sweet tuba

·        Convenient to use because of being packaged in sachets


·        Natural and alternative for synthetic sweeteners out in the market such as splenda, equal, nutra sweet, palsweet, and muscovado


·        12 – 18 % sugar and has a Glycemic Index of 35


·        Prevents heart disease and obesity


  • Helpful in treating high blood pressure


  • With macro and micro nutrients, essential vitamins and amino acids


·        No synthetic additives

  • Provides electrical neutrality (acid-based body balance) and balance electric charges in human nervous system